November 2021 Astrology
November 2021 Astrology features the beginning of Eclipse season, with a New Moon in Scorpio and a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus.
Mercury clears the shadow of last month’s retrograde just ahead of the New Moon early in the month. The swift-footed one is finally moving on from the prolonged conversation and balancing act he’s been at in Libra. On the 5th of the month, he plunges headlong into the cold waters of Scorpio just on the heels of the Sun and the Moon.
Now we are once again entering new territory. We know it when Mercury and Venus change signs – from active modalities to passive-receptive modalities – on the same day.
Venus leaves fiery Sagittarius in favor of the more reserved and cautious terrain of Capricorn also on the 5th. Here she prepares for next month’s Venus Retrograde in Capricorn, a period of review and reconfiguring of relationships, finances, values and valuables. The shadow period for her Retrograde cycle begins on November 17th.
The second half of November 2021 Astrology sees Mercury moving swiftly on to wax philosophical in Sagittarius. The Sun will of course lead the way just ahead of Mercury, beginning Sagittarius season on November 21 this year.
Continue reading November 2021 Astrology: Scorpio Season