Full Moon in Virgo 2023: Lord of Gain

Full Moon in Virgo 2023

Full Moon in Virgo 2023

The Full Moon in Virgo on March 7, 2023 is in the second part of the Maiden’s sign, the Lord of Gain. In Tarot we look to the 9 of Pentacles, which is concerned with material independence and self-sufficiency. The image of the 9 of Pentacles is of a woman tending her garden. She holds a bird of prey whose job it is to kill the pests that would otherwise nibble away at the fruits of her labor.

Every Full Moon is an opportunity for heightened awareness on our spiritual path. As the Moon’s light increases, so does our understanding of our lived experiences. This Moon can be particularly illuminating. An electric Sun-Uranus transit ties into this lunation, offering a spark of optimism, intuitive insight and innovative thinking.

The Full Moon brings with her an anticipated change in the skies — Saturn moving into enigmatic Pisces, Pluto into idealistic Aquarius, and Mars into empathetic Cancer.

Continue reading Full Moon in Virgo 2023: Lord of Gain

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus: 7 of Disks (November 2021)

Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

November 19, 2021 is the day of the Full Moon, a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus! This is our first Eclipse of the season. It’s also the very first Eclipse to grace us from the Scorpio-Taurus axis, a set of Eclipses that takes us from this moment into 2023. This Full Moon is the culmination of the New Moon in Scorpio that fell on Thursday, November 4.

Turbulent Uranus still has his hands in the cookie jar, and will continue to be an important player throughout this Moon cycle. He’s sitting opposite hot-headed Mars on Wednesday the 17th, putting tension on our need for independence, freedom, and change that can lead to hasty decision making or other bold moves.

Uranus is also in a more harmonious relationship to Venus, which helps during the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, because Venus is the ruler of that sign and is overseeing Uranus’ actions. Venus has also just entered the shadow zone of her upcoming retrograde in Capricorn (the shadow starts on November 17).

Mercury rules this chart (set for Portland, OR) and is opposite the Moon during her Eclipse. Mercury in Scorpio opposite the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus can pit our emotions against our logical mind or at least separate the two. Even if we know something logically, emotionally it may be a completely different matter. Now we’re looking at the third decan of Scorpio, which is about passion, hunger, and death.

This is the longest duration of an Eclipse since 1440 and until 2669. The Eclipse is 6 hours long.

Lunar Eclipse in Taurus
Lunar Eclipse in Taurus Astrology chart – November 19, 2021 (12:57am PT)
Continue reading Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus: 7 of Disks (November 2021)

New Moon in Scorpio Lunar Cycle (November 2021)

New Moon in Scorpio

New Moon in Scorpio 2021

The New Moon in Scorpio is on November 4, 2021. This Lunation is the beginning of Eclipse season, with our first Eclipse on the Scorpio/Taurus axis falling on November 19. The New Moon in Scorpio is directly opposite unconventional Uranus. Follow that up with a partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, and November 2021 Astrology is fairly electric. It will spotlight the ongoing Uranus in Taurus stories unfolding in each of our lives.

The cycle begins in the middle decan of Scorpio, with magnanimous Sun and Jupiter ruling this portion of the sign. The 6 of Cups is the soft underbelly of Scorpio, playful and nostalgic, recalling our inner child. With the middle decan of Taurus opposite (the 6 of Pentacles), there is a reminder of the importance of reciprocity. There has to be a give and take, and equal energy exchange in all that we do.

Venus is in the final degree of Sagittarius during the New Moon, changing signs on the following day. Within this lunar cycle, she will begin her shadow period preceding Venus Retrograde in Capricorn. This period is a precursor to Venus Retrograde. It’s made all the more important by Venus’ rulership over the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus later in the month.

New Moon in Scorpio 2021
New Moon in Scorpio Astrology Chart 2021
Continue reading New Moon in Scorpio Lunar Cycle (November 2021)

Full Moon in Aries: 4 of Wands, Completion (October 2021)

Full Moon in Aries

The Full Moon in Aries is on October 20, 2021 in the final decan of the pioneering sign (at 27° 26′), which is ruled by Venus and Jupiter. This decan represents a rite of passage or celebration of initial success. In the Tarot, it’s assigned to the 4 of Wands, whose esoteric name is the Lord of Completion, or the Lord of Perfected Work.

Since the New Moon in Libra on October 6, Mars and Mercury have both been reborn in the heart of the Sun, starting new planetary cycles. Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mercury have all ended their Retrograde cycles, making way for a new chapter where energies can begin to move forward again. Pluto is in there breaking down the old structures and rooting through the ashes for gold and information.

With so many planets stationing direct, there is both the feeling that things are starting to move ahead, and that the energy is standing still. It will take Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter time before they get back up to speed (while Mercury will be a little quicker on his feet).

Full Moon in Aries
Full Moon in Aries Astrology Chart 2021
Continue reading Full Moon in Aries: 4 of Wands, Completion (October 2021)

New Moon in Libra & Planetary Retrogrades: October 2021

New Moon in Libra

The New Moon in Libra falls on Wednesday, October 6 in the wee hours of the morning (4:05 am Pacific). This strange New Moon is in cahoots with aggressive Mars and a rather mischievous Mercury Retrograde in Libra. Both of these planets are readying to be reborn in the heart of the Sun over the course of the next few days – Mars on October 7th and Mercury on the 9th.

Pluto stations direct, ending a Retrograde journey from 24° – 26° Capricorn on the same day as the New Moon in Libra. The Moon, Sun, Mars & Mercury will all square Pluto over the course of the next month as this drama unfolds. These Libra planets, with their diplomatic skill and carefully honed strategies do have an upper hand over Pluto, but are heavily influenced by him to slow down and dig deep at this time.

With the New Moon in Libra directly opposite the wounded healer, Chiron, there can be a feeling of woundedness and personal injury now. We can be acutely aware of any wrongdoings and injustices that have thrown off the sacred balance of Libra’s scales. This constellates around the theme of independence and having the freedom to be ourselves. This is a motif that Chiron has been navigating since 2018-19.

This chart is ruled by Mercury Retrograde in the 2nd House. This is a time of going inward and contemplating what matters or has value, including our own sense of self-worth. Venus is the secret puller of strings behind the scenes. She sinks to the bottom of the chart in the final degrees of Scorpio. Just after the New Moon, she makes a bold move into Sagittarius. Here, she and the Moon join up with the South Node, activating the cosmic release hatch.

New Moon in Libra
New Moon in Libra – October 6, 2021 Astrology Chart
Continue reading New Moon in Libra & Planetary Retrogrades: October 2021

New Moon in Virgo & September Astrology: 9 of Pentacles, Material Gain

The New Moon in Virgo

The New Moon in Virgo is on Monday, September 6, 2021 at 5:52pm pacific. This is the beginning of the Mercury Retrograde shadow period. Mercury Retrograde in Libra lasts for the next two Moon cycles. The shadow period ends near the New Moon in Scorpio at the beginning of November, with a New Moon in Libra in between.

New Moon in Virgo
New Moon in Virgo 2021 Astrology Chart

9 of Pentacles: Lord of Gain

The New Moon occurs in the 2nd decan of Virgo, corresponding to the 9 of Pentacles card in the Tarot. This is called Material Gain and is ruled by luxurious Venus. This part of Virgo represents the work and attention to detail that goes into making something of value. Artisan crafts and objects of beauty require painstaking attention to detail. The bird of prey in this image is sent to root out pests from the garden and guards against theft.

Continue reading New Moon in Virgo & September Astrology: 9 of Pentacles, Material Gain

Aquarius Full Moon 2021: Blue Moon & Grand Air Trine

The Aquarius Full Moon on August 22, 2021 is a Blue Moon, the second Aquarius Full Moon in a row. The first on July 23rd was beside Saturn and opposite Mars. This time, Jupiter Retrograde opposes the Sun.

As the cycle culminates, Mercury and Mars are together in Virgo, each forming a buzzy, electric trine to stationing Uranus Retrograde. 

A grand Air trine with Venus in Libra, Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius, and the North Node in Gemini perfects about 24 hours after the Full Moon, adding an interesting backdrop and heavy emphasis on the Air element all weekend.

Aquarius Full Moon astrology chart for August 22, 2021
Full Moon in Aquarius Chart for August 2021
Continue reading Aquarius Full Moon 2021: Blue Moon & Grand Air Trine