Full Moon in Aries: 4 of Wands, Completion (October 2021)

Full Moon in Aries

The Full Moon in Aries is on October 20, 2021 in the final decan of the pioneering sign (at 27° 26′), which is ruled by Venus and Jupiter. This decan represents a rite of passage or celebration of initial success. In the Tarot, it’s assigned to the 4 of Wands, whose esoteric name is the Lord of Completion, or the Lord of Perfected Work.

Since the New Moon in Libra on October 6, Mars and Mercury have both been reborn in the heart of the Sun, starting new planetary cycles. Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mercury have all ended their Retrograde cycles, making way for a new chapter where energies can begin to move forward again. Pluto is in there breaking down the old structures and rooting through the ashes for gold and information.

With so many planets stationing direct, there is both the feeling that things are starting to move ahead, and that the energy is standing still. It will take Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter time before they get back up to speed (while Mercury will be a little quicker on his feet).

Full Moon in Aries
Full Moon in Aries Astrology Chart 2021
Continue reading Full Moon in Aries: 4 of Wands, Completion (October 2021)

Full Moon in Scorpio: Muse of Tragedy & Resonance

Full Moon in Scorpio

The Full Moon in Scorpio occurs on Monday, April 26 at 8:32pm Pacific Time. At 7° 06′ of Scorpio, this Full Moon corresponds to the 5 of Cups (a decan of Mars). The Lord of Disappointment deals with negative emotions, such as loss, grief, and angst.

Mars rules the New Moon and the Full Moon for the current Lunar cycle (April 11 through May 11), bringing passion, desire, conflict, and assertive/decisive action to the forefront thematically. This is our drive to act, our source of willpower, physical movement and sexuality. Mars inspires independence, survival, self-sufficiency, strength, and courage in the best of times. Aggression, violence, control and imposed willpower are also under his domain.

The New Moon began in Mars-ruled Aries on April 11 and reached a point of significant development with the First Quarter Moon in motivated Capricorn on April 19. We may feel highly determined during this Moon cycle, driven by our hunger for something worldly – whether that’s love, money, or the promise of attaining something more abstract. Of course how you feel individually will have a lot to do with how it interacts with your birth chart.

Continue reading Full Moon in Scorpio: Muse of Tragedy & Resonance

New Moon in Aries: The 4 of Wands Reborn

New Moon in Aries

The 4 of Wands – Venus in Aries – Lord of Perfected Work candle is rising from the ashes today during the New Moon in Aries! 🌑♈♀♂♇

New Moon in Aries (22° 24′)

The New Moon in Aries is tonight, April 11, 2021 at 7:31pm PT. This Moon is conjunct Venus in the third decan of Aries, ruled by Venus and Jupiter. This decan corresponds to the 4 of Wands card in the Tarot, the Lord of Perfected Work.

Continue reading New Moon in Aries: The 4 of Wands Reborn

February 2021 Astrology (Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius!)

Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius (January 30 – February 20)

Mercury stations Retrograde in Aquarius (26° 29′) on Saturday, January 30, 2021. February 20 will bring the end of Mercury Retrograde (11° 01′), although the total shadow period is January 14 through March 12.

This Mercury Retrograde period happens about three times a year. Visually in the sky, Mercury appears to move in reverse. He slows down and draws to his closest point to the Earth. As Mercury enters this part of his cycle, it’s as if our minds and daily mundane affairs — which are ruled by Mercury — are operating on a different wavelength.

Continue reading February 2021 Astrology (Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius!)