New Moon in Aries: The 4 of Wands Reborn

New Moon in Aries

The 4 of Wands – Venus in Aries – Lord of Perfected Work candle is rising from the ashes today during the New Moon in Aries! 🌑♈♀♂♇

New Moon in Aries (22° 24′)

The New Moon in Aries is tonight, April 11, 2021 at 7:31pm PT. This Moon is conjunct Venus in the third decan of Aries, ruled by Venus and Jupiter. This decan corresponds to the 4 of Wands card in the Tarot, the Lord of Perfected Work.

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Full Moon in Virgo: The 8 of Pentacles [February 2021]

Full Moon in Virgo Decan 1: the 8 of Pentacles

Full Moon in Virgo 2021

This month’s Full Moon is on Saturday, February 27 at 12:17am Pacific Time. The Full Moon in Virgo is at 8° 57′ with Venus and Neptune sharing a presence with the Sun in Pisces.

The Full Moon is a time of culmination, fulfillment, and spiritual realization. The subconscious and psychic Moon is in a state of maximum illumination. At this stage in her process, she brings our daily affairs to a head and demonstrates that certain themes and patterns are at work behind our experiences.

Continue reading Full Moon in Virgo: The 8 of Pentacles [February 2021]

February 2021 Astrology (Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius!)

Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius (January 30 – February 20)

Mercury stations Retrograde in Aquarius (26° 29′) on Saturday, January 30, 2021. February 20 will bring the end of Mercury Retrograde (11° 01′), although the total shadow period is January 14 through March 12.

This Mercury Retrograde period happens about three times a year. Visually in the sky, Mercury appears to move in reverse. He slows down and draws to his closest point to the Earth. As Mercury enters this part of his cycle, it’s as if our minds and daily mundane affairs — which are ruled by Mercury — are operating on a different wavelength.

Continue reading February 2021 Astrology (Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius!)