New Moon in Capricorn
The first New Moon of the year is on January 2 in Capricorn (at 12° 20′, falling in the middle decan). The Tarot card for this Moon is the 3 of Pentacles, Lord of Material Works.
With Jupiter having just ingressed into Pisces on December 28th, he now sits at the South Node bending, in a 90° square to the karmic lunar nodes. During this lunar cycle he will encourage and support our soul growth by helping us release the past. His position in the first decan of Pisces tells a story of moving away from a difficult situation, seeking a spiritual solo journey that moves us away from stagnation.
There is a strong emphasis on Earth element energy as we begin the new year. The New Moon examines the same territory as Venus Retrograde which will be a dominant factor this month. This energy harmonizes with Uranus in Taurus, who will station Direct shortly, tying into a larger theme of change we’ve been experiencing since 2018-19.
Mercury is also in relation to the Nodes at this time and preparing to station Retrograde in Aquarius. This will be similar to last year’s Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius, except that it dips back into Capricorn, bringing Hermes the messenger into the New Moon / Venus Retrograde story as well.

The 3 of Pentacles: Material Works
The middle decan of Capricorn is ruled by Mars (exalted in Capricorn) and Venus. “Material Works” refers to building something beautiful and realizing your divine vision in the physical realm through work and action. Mars’ ambition is given a lovely structure and containment by Saturn-ruled Capricorn. We’ll soon have Mars in Capricorn, too, from January 24th – March 5th.
This New Moon can help us focus on realizing our goals and New Year’s resolutions at the head of the year. Just be sure that you’re building in structures and systems that can sustain your efforts in the long-term.

The figures in the card are working together to realize their grand vision of building a new cathedral. There can be an element of teamwork, collaboration, or consultation implied with this card. Whether you talk about your plans with others or just consult your inner guides, this whole month will be a great time for goal planning and getting organized for the tasks to come.
Earth Element Focus
With an emphasis on Earth element, we can be more focused on tangible matters of money, shelter, health, resources and sustainability.
The Sun in materially ambitious Capricorn trines Uranus in hands-on Taurus on January 1st. This is an inspired transit that can help give us some exciting new ideas. We’re open to exploring unusual opportunities, experiences, and to making changes. Experimenting with a change in your routine can be a nice way to take advantage of the first day of the year motivation
The industrious Sun will meet up with powerful Pluto in Capricorn on the 16th, around the time of the Full Moon. We may have to examine how we manage our power and resources to get what we want. Self-examination can be very fruitful, as we can reveal by illumination many secrets and mysteries of our inner worlds at this time. You can use this transit to nurture your own regeneration and transformation of self.
High voltage Uranus will station Direct at 10° on January 18, the same day that the North Node moves into Taurus. We can expect big changes to come now that Uranus will be moving Direct again. The day of the station will be especially significant if you have any placements between 10-15° of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius. Look to the House Uranus is traveling in your chart for the area in your life that these changes are taking place.
The Sun will square Uranus on January 30, close to the next New Moon (in Aquarius). This challenges us to adapt, grow, and change on a personal level.
Venus Retrograde in Capricorn
Venus is Retrograde in Capricorn until January 29th. A few days after the New Moon in Capricorn, Venus forms a cooperative sextile to visionary Neptune (on January 5th). This is a really nice transit that stimulates our creativity and appreciation of the senses, beauty and aesthetics of our experience.
Venus Cazimi is on the 8th at 18° 43′ Capricorn. This begins a new Venusian cycle that reaches its fully-manifested state on October 22, 2022 in Libra. It also ends a cycle that began in Gemini during Venus Retrograde in Gemini on June 3, 2020.
Pisces Rising
The New Moon in Capricorn chart set for Portland, Oregon has Pisces Rising, with newly-ingressed Jupiter in the 1st House. This brings in optimism and positive energy, with Jupiter luxuriously at ease in his own home after so long under Saturn’s watchful eye. Melt away those hardened edges and believe in the impossible now. Jupiter wants you to expand through the creative imagination and find the riches within your heart.
The Sun will sextile Neptune on the 10th, amping up our intuition. Pay attention to your dreams, visions, and curious feelings this month.
Mars will square Neptune on January 11th, which is a more difficult aspect. Mind Pisces more tenuous aspects, like giving too much or dissolving boundaries between self and other to the point of losing your own distinct sense of self. Neptune can siphon Mars’ energy, leading to low drive and lackluster efforts. While your intuition is kicked up a notch now, this combination may cause you to imagine scenarios that aren’t entirely accurate. Don’t jump to any conclusions just yet.
Jupiter at the Bendings
Jupiter squares the Nodes on the day following the New Moon in Capricorn. With Jupiter at the South Bending, this activates a karmic release point. When we look to where Jupiter is, in the first decan of Pisces, the idea of release and letting go is doubled. This decan corresponds to the 8 of Cups, Lord of Indolence. The story is one of turning away from stagnation and emotional heaviness to pursue a solitary journey into the mountains.

This is about choosing a more simple or humble, selfless path, and letting go of expectations. relationships, and attachments. There is often a difficult or toxic environment or relationship that one is choosing to walk away from. You just have to move on.
Mercury in Aquarius (January 1 – 25 & February 14 – March 9)
Mercury trines the North Node in Gemini on the day of the New Moon and again on the 26th. While Jupiter in Pisces is asking us to release our hold on things that are no longer working for us, Mercury in Aquarius will be asking us to communicate with authenticity and equality in mind. Truth, honesty, and objectivity can guide us through this process. Communication is key.
Mercury will station Retrograde in Aquarius on January 14th at 10° 20′, returning to 24° 22′ Capricorn by February 3rd. Mercury Cazimi is on the 23rd at 3° 23′ Aquarius. Hermes re-enters Capricorn on January 25th, the day of the Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio.
We’ll have an intense rendez-vous between Mercury and Pluto a few days later on January 28th. This is a good time for any investigation into secrets, mysteries, or the unknown. Deep conversations or journaling can yield rich results. Get to the bottom of what you feel and what you want for yourself. While Venus and Mercury are Retrograde in Capricorn, we’ll have a lot to think about in terms of what matters to us and what we want to pursue.
Capricorn Lunar Cycle (January 2 – 31)
The First Quarter Moon is in Aries on the 9th. The half Moon is in a perfect trine to Mars in Sagittarius at 19° 20′, driving our initiative with energy and passion. Keep up the momentum. Venus is also just leaving the heart of the Sun after her Cazimi moment the day before. The First Quarter Moon will be a great time for checking in on what you’ve been taking from Venus Retrograde so far.
The Full Moon this month is in Cancer at 27° 50 on January 17th. The Sun will be with Pluto and Mercury Retrograde (stationing near solemn Saturn) is sextile the wounded healer, Chiron. This will be a more vulnerable, sensitive Full Moon, emotional and moving with some healing power.
The Last Quarter Moon is in Scorpio on the 25th. This is just after Mars enters Capricorn, putting him in a strong position. The Moon is in a perfect trine to Jupiter in Pisces, which is very fortunate. Retrograde Venus is forming a harmonious, exciting trine with Uranus in Taurus, too, prompting us to try something off the usual course.
The next New Moon will be in Aquarius on January 31st. This New Moon will be with Saturn, squaring Uranus who has recently stationed Direct. We will start to see the new reality awaiting us as we get further into this New year.
great post ..as always! Thank you!