New Moon in Capricorn
The first New Moon of the year is on January 2 in Capricorn (at 12° 20′, falling in the middle decan). The Tarot card for this Moon is the 3 of Pentacles, Lord of Material Works.
With Jupiter having just ingressed into Pisces on December 28th, he now sits at the South Node bending, in a 90° square to the karmic lunar nodes. During this lunar cycle he will encourage and support our soul growth by helping us release the past. His position in the first decan of Pisces tells a story of moving away from a difficult situation, seeking a spiritual solo journey that moves us away from stagnation.
There is a strong emphasis on Earth element energy as we begin the new year. The New Moon examines the same territory as Venus Retrograde which will be a dominant factor this month. This energy harmonizes with Uranus in Taurus, who will station Direct shortly, tying into a larger theme of change we’ve been experiencing since 2018-19.
Mercury is also in relation to the Nodes at this time and preparing to station Retrograde in Aquarius. This will be similar to last year’s Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius, except that it dips back into Capricorn, bringing Hermes the messenger into the New Moon / Venus Retrograde story as well.