Full Moon in Capricorn: The 3 of Pentacles – “Works” (July 2023 Astrology)

3 of Pentacles

How to Use The 3 of Pentacles Series for Full Moon in Capricorn Magick

The 3 of Pentacles is the Lord of Material Works. This is the middle decan of Capricorn, where we have our Full Moon on July 3, 2023.

The Full Moon in Capricorn comes on the heels of an illuminating Mercury Cazimi. This is a lucky time for Mercury when he reaches his Full phase and unites with the Sun.

During the Full phase of the Moon – exact at 4:39am PDT on Monday morning (the 3rd) – Mercury is ahead of the Sun already by 3 degrees. Despite the fact that Mercury Cazimi’s over, the energy of that Cazimi is baked right into the Full Moon. The Full Moon is built on its enlightening and energizing momentum.

The Cazimi energy heightens awareness, leading to insights and revelations about intimacy and our relationships. We’re called to think deeply about what bonds are really the most important to us. To focus our energy on protecting and nurturing those connections. The Full Moon also heightens our awareness of how we can work together to build something of lasting value.

The Energy Leading into the Full Moon

A Blessing from Jupiter and a Motivating Fire Trine

The Mercury Cazimi at 9° 8′ Cancer on June 30th is especially fortunate. It’s in a helpful sextile relationship with good-hearted Jupiter, potentially opening us up to some lucky opportunities. The Sun and Mercury are harmonizing with disciplined Saturn, too. This provides ease with setting boundaries and developing an intuitive container or system that’s going to work for you.

The current communications cycle began on May 1st. At that time, Mercury was retrograde in Taurus, associated with the steady, rhythmic flow of the universe. Our mental focus has been on reciprocity, ensuring that there’s an equal give and take in relationships and at work.

Now at his full phase, Mercury meets with the royal Sun in the first decan of Cancer. This part of the Zodiac’s associated with the Love card in the Tarot. The 2 of Cups represents the deep bond of trust and intimacy. It can be a romance, a mom and her baby, or any two souls meeting each other in divinity.

This is followed by a nice Fire trine with the building Moon in active Sagittarius. She applies to Venus-Mars in heroic Leo, and Chiron in independent Aries. It’s a lot of upward energy with forward momentum. It can feel energizing and motivating as it stirs up all this energy and action.

A Preview of What’s to Come: Venus in Leo Square Uranus

Venus in Leo squares Uranus on July 2nd. This invites Full Moon drama to creep in that may be associated with your Venus Retrograde journey to come. Venus Retrograde is right around the corner. The goddess of love, beauty and pleasure in her pre-retrograde shadow phase from June 19 until she stations on July 22.

This means that this Full Moon drama with Venus and Uranus is part of a 3-act show. Pay special attention to any big revelations, strange occurrences, or surprises now. Look to your relationships, business dealings, or thinking about money, art, and things of value. This rambunctious transit will happen again on August 9, and one final time after the Retrograde on September 29.

Continue reading Full Moon in Capricorn: The 3 of Pentacles – “Works” (July 2023 Astrology)

New Moon in Capricorn: 3 of Pentacles, “Works” (January 2022)

New Moon in Capricorn

New Moon in Capricorn

The first New Moon of the year is on January 2 in Capricorn (at 12° 20′, falling in the middle decan). The Tarot card for this Moon is the 3 of Pentacles, Lord of Material Works.

With Jupiter having just ingressed into Pisces on December 28th, he now sits at the South Node bending, in a 90° square to the karmic lunar nodes. During this lunar cycle he will encourage and support our soul growth by helping us release the past. His position in the first decan of Pisces tells a story of moving away from a difficult situation, seeking a spiritual solo journey that moves us away from stagnation.

There is a strong emphasis on Earth element energy as we begin the new year. The New Moon examines the same territory as Venus Retrograde which will be a dominant factor this month. This energy harmonizes with Uranus in Taurus, who will station Direct shortly, tying into a larger theme of change we’ve been experiencing since 2018-19.

Mercury is also in relation to the Nodes at this time and preparing to station Retrograde in Aquarius. This will be similar to last year’s Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius, except that it dips back into Capricorn, bringing Hermes the messenger into the New Moon / Venus Retrograde story as well.

New Moon in Capricorn 2022 Astrology Chart set for Portland, OR
Continue reading New Moon in Capricorn: 3 of Pentacles, “Works” (January 2022)