April 2023 Astrology Overview
April 2023 Astrology brings in a Full Moon in Libra followed by a Solar Eclipse in Aries. There’s a special emphasis on the Aries/Libra axis at this time. Themes of independence, balance, and interpersonal relationship dynamics are prominent. In between these lunations, we have a fortunate, growth-spurring Jupiter Cazimi — also in Aries!
Venus enters social Gemini, while Mercury enters hard-working Taurus and stations retrograde, just in time for Taurus Season. Let’s dig in beginning with the current lunar cycle, which started on March 21 in Aries decan 1.
The Full Moon in Libra (April 5)
The Full Moon in Libra decan 2 (the 3 of Swords) is in direct conversation with the wounded healer Chiron. This continues to bring up Chiron in Aries wounds around independence, leadership, worldly desires/goals/ambitions, warrior mindset, self-assertiveness, anger/frustration, etc.
In Tarot, the middle decan of Libra is associated with the 3 of Swords, Lord of Sorrow. There’s a pessimistic or cynical side at play, but it’s more about having realistic expectations and being ground in reality — even when the truth is hard to face. There can be issues around relationships causing separation, loss, or disruptions that can throw us off. It’s important to not lose sense of yourself in these situations and to keep a clear head.
Seeded in Aries Decan 1: Lord of Dominion
The Full Moon in April is a culmination of the New Moon in Aries on March 21, which closely followed the Equinox. It’s a powerful lunation in the first decan of Aries, the Lord of Dominion, made all the more important as it’s followed by a second New Moon / Solar Eclipse in Aries. In the Tarot this is the 2 of Wands, associated with owning your personal power and standing your ground.
That it follows the Full Moon in Virgo decan 2 is important, too, because it continues the theme of independence and self-sufficiency, now adding a battle-ready stance.

Full Moon in the 12th House
The Full Moon lights up the shadowy 12th House of the Subconscious. We could be feeling a heightened sensitivity or awareness of our inner world and deeper layers now. We’re especially affected by relationships and the need for inner harmony. Focus on self care, setting clear and healthy boundaries, and managing the balance between yourself and others.
Eclipses in 2023: Aries/Libra + Taurus/Scorpio
This double New Moon / Solar Eclipse in Aries will reach a further point of culmination on September 29 during the Full Moon in Aries decan 1. Everything that is just beginning in March and April will be at a vital next stage in the Fall.
What we have happening now is a precursor to the Eclipses that we’ll have in October (in Libra and Taurus). Looking ahead at this build-up, we see that March/April is a precursor and a set up for important changes that will occur in October.
Jupiter Cazimi in Aries (April 11)
Jupiter, King of the Gods, sits in the royal throne room as he meets with the Sun at 21° 45′. This is in the same decan as the Eclipse, the Lord of Completion, which is ruled by Venus and Jupiter. At the same time we also have the important Last Quarter Moon phase taking place.
Look to this event as a vital turning point in the overall story, and take this as a time of celebration. This is a point of renewal for Jupiter, beginning a new cycle of growth and expansion. Acknowledge your progress and sensitivities in this area of your chart; you’re more aware now of your own needs, and less afraid to ask for what you want!
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Solar Eclipse in Aries (April 19)
Eclipse season starts this month, with a Hybrid Solar Eclipse in Aries decan 3. This is the 4 of Wands in the Tarot, the Lord of Completion, which is ruled by Venus and Jupiter. A celebratory card, it represents a joyous occasion and a rite of passage. It marks the completion of one chapter and the commencement of a new adventure that awaits us.
The Eclipse is at the urgent last degree of Aries. This is a passionate, compelling energy. We need to be careful not to burn all of our energy off too fast with the kind of fervor that can come up here, especially with Jupiter in near proximity. Jupiter wants to make things even bigger and more extravagant. This can affect our ability to find balance.

This Eclipse leads into a penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio decan 2 on May 5, which we’ll cover on the blog at a later date. Make sure to sign up for the Hermes of VALIS newsletter so you can follow along with new updates!
Solar Eclipses are a powerful ending and beginning. They represent transformation, whereas a Lunar Eclipse is more focused on powerful illumination and revelation.
Venus in Gemini (April 10 – May 7)
Venus enters chatty, flighty Gemini on April 10th, just after sextiling romantic Neptune on the 7th. This puts her into a trine relationship with Pluto, emphasizing the Air element. Air seeks to bring people together through shared ideas and interests, and Pluto adds some heat, mystery, and intensity to the conversation.
Pluto is currently in a decan ruled by Venus, the Lord of Defeat, which speaks to a hollow sense of victory, winning by means of cleverness and then feeling dejected because winning means being socially outcast. Despite the sour flavor of this card in the Tarot, it can also represent overcoming something that, while unpleasant, is a joy to be done with.
Venus will square Saturn on the 14th (while Saturn is sextile the North Node same day). Venus square Saturn brings friction in relationships and possible conflict in partnerships, contracts, and agreements. In Gemini, Venus desires freedom of movement, diversity, and exploration. She doesn’t want to settle on just one thing. Saturn in the heavy 1st decan of Pisces demands more of Venus than she’s willing to give emotionally.

Taurus Season (April 20 – May 21)
The Sun enters Taurus on April 20 and immediately squares Pluto. This is so fresh off the Eclipse that it may as well be counted as part of the whole Eclipse drama. Sun square Pluto brings up issues of power, control, and ego conflicts that may prove especially aggravating. People are likely to dig in and be stubborn on both sides of the equation. Taurus isn’t so easily compelled and Pluto in Aquarius has an idealistic sense of right and wrong.
The Sun will join with the North Node of future growth and sextile Saturn in Pisces on the 24-25th. This brings in nourishing, feminine energy for the Sun, our sense of Self, which nurtures growth and creativity. With our recent focus on individuality and self-assertiveness, courtesy of Aries, the Sun’s alignment with the North Node can take advantage of recent changes to spur further self-development. The advantageous connection with Saturn assists with preseverence, dedication, and self-discipline.
April 2023 Astrology: Taurus Season + Mercury Retrograde
Mercury retrograde in Taurus runs from April 21 – May 14. Mercury stations retrograde just 1 day after the Sun’s ingress and 2 days out from the Solar Eclipse. Taurus season is extended by this transit, as Mercury slows down to stay in Taurus from April 3 to June 11. He’s far enough into Taurus now (at the most stubborn middle degree) that he won’t venture out of Taurus during this transit.
Mercury’s shadow begins on April 7 and ends on May 31. He’ll explore the earthy, heavily wooded terrain between 05° 50′ and 15° 37′ Taurus. This mostly affects placements between those degrees in the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius).
Pre-shadow Confrontation with Pluto
As soon as Mercury enters Taurus on April 3rd, he squares Pluto in Aquarius. Mercury square Pluto can be expressed as confrontational conversations and unearthing of secrets or powerful information. Although outside of Mercury’s shadow zone, information gained now could be an important precursor to consider during the Mercury Retrograde.
The most important aspects during Mercury Retrograde are with Mars, Saturn, and the North Node. Just after his confrontation with Lord of the Underworld, Pluto, Mercury runs into the North Node of future growth on April 5, building him up.
When he stations retrograde, Hermes is directly on the Moon and Uranus, immediately following the Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 19. This could feel like a slow-building pressure that may become explosive and erratic. Take your time, dot your i’s and cross your t’s, save those docs, and keep your head low.
Favors from Mars & Saturn: Discipline, Slow & Steady Wins the Race
Mercury sextiles Saturn 3 times during this Retrograde season (on 4/5, 5/12, and 5/18). This is a beneficial aspect that favors disciplined learning and honing in on a serious mindset that can help you outline your long-term goals and plans. It is also very focused on the finer details. If you have any important work to do during the Retrograde, these would be good dates to check over your work and make sure you’re not missing anything.
Mercury will also sextile Mars 3 times (on 4/7, 4/23, and 6/21). Helpful in acting on your ideas and exercising mental fortitude, this aspect makes Mars get the most out of Cancer being a Cardinal sign. The 3rd hit of this transit in June sees Mercury picking up the pace in Gemini and Mars opposite Pluto at the beginning of Leo. This harks back to the Aries Ingress chart, which has Leo decan 1 Rising, indicating the importance of this decan for the Astrological New Year.
Looking ahead at May, Mercury Cazimi will happen in the synergistic middle decan of Taurus on 5/1. Mercury will also receive a sextile from Venus in Cancer on 5/12.
Although the lead up to and the beginning of Mercury Retrograde seem a bit volatile, the overall transit should helpful for introspective investigations and disciplined thinking/planning. Taurus themes of finances, resources, worry over not having enough, seeking sustenance, reciprocal relationships, and giving and taking in equal measure can emerge.
We want to be respected and rewarded for our hard efforts. For now it’s enough to keep your nose to the grindstone and work in the shadows, allowing your mind to be receptive to communications from your body and emotional awareness/intelligence. If you use this Retrograde season to your advantage, you can make progress even by slowing down.