August 2023 Astrology features two Full Moons, the stationing of Mercury Retrograde, and the juicy middle part of Venus’s Retrograde story with Jupiter and Uranus!
Full Moon in Aquarius: August 1st

The first Full Moon of the month is in Saturn-ruled Aquarius on August 1st, which is also the Witch’s holiday of Lughnasadh, the first harvest. This special day signifies a time of thanksgiving and abundance as we mark the height of Summer. It’s a busy day astrologically, as it coincides with two major planetary aspects.
On this day, meticulous Mars in Virgo is in a harmonious, practical Earth trine to Jupiter in Taurus (13° 46′), helping you move forward fearlessly, embrace a competitive spirit, and take bold action to get what you want. This is a lucky transit showing success, growth, and serious conquest.
At the same time, Mercury is opposite dutiful Saturn Retrograde (5° 39′). Mercury has just entered studious, analytical Virgo where he’ll be until October 4. Mentally-focused Mercury loves being in Virgo, the sign of his exaltation, where we have an easier time attending to tedious tasks, staying organized, and improving systems with efficiency and discernment.
But this year Mercury is Retrograde in Earth signs, and he’ll be entering the pre-retrograde shadow phase on August 3 at exactly 8 degrees Virgo. His retrograde stretches from August 23 to September 15, and the shadow continues through September 29.
Mercury opposite Saturn Retrograde can put a slight damper on your enthusiasm, reminding you it’s time to get serious, pulling your thoughts to more somber realities, or confronting you with nibbling self doubt. It can slow you down enough to really think before you take action, which could be to your benefit. Rely on the intelligence of Mercury-Saturn to make smart choices and remember to take your time.
Interestingly, with the Full Moon in Aquarius decan 1 (9° 16′), there’s also a theme of winning but it not really feeling like a win. You could be overcoming something and winning a battle, but that’s not quite the same vibe as, say, winning the lottery. But there’s reason to celebrate all the same. This Full Moon is the culmination of the New Moon in Aquarius that we had on January 21st, also in this first decan of the sign.
Continue reading August 2023 Astrology Forecast