Full Moon in Gemini & December 2021 Astrology

Full Moon in Gemini

Full Moon in Gemini (December 18)

The Full Moon this month is in Gemini at 27° 28′. This is a culmination of the Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. It ties back to the Solar Eclipse in Gemini on June 10th.

During this Mercury-ruled Full Moon, Mercury squares Chiron, who is in the middle of stationing Direct. Important conversations can be very illuminating at this time. New information may come to light that has been brewing under the surface since the Solar Eclipse. This info relates directly to our Chiron story of inner wounding and will propel us to take a stand for ourselves. But it also has a lot to do with Venus Retrograde.

Full Moon in Gemini Astrology Chart

Third Decan of Gemini: The 10 of Swords

The story here is of shedding an old way of thinking. We have to adapt, as we’ve come to a place where what we once thought to be true is no longer the case. This is the end of a worldview that we’ve held, which can come as a betrayal. From here we have to rebuild, and the Venus Retrograde will help us figure out what is most important from here.

Continue reading Full Moon in Gemini & December 2021 Astrology

Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius: Starting from Scratch – December 2021

Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius

Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius

The New Moon in Sagittarius on December 3-4 is a Total Solar Eclipse! This powerful Eclipse falls on the side of the South Node, a karmic release point associated with the past. So get ready to PURGE. Things empty out at the South Node. But for some this emptying out is a source of power. What new form will you take when you give yourself that fresh start? A new year is coming, in more ways than one (I’m looking at you, Jupiter in Pisces)!

With Sagittarius, you have to trust your gut and take a leap of faith knowing that you’ll catch the wind. But this new beginning comes as a result of clearing the way for something. Chances are you’ve already felt it, as we’re nearing the end to this story (this whole lunar cycle being the final chapter). Sometimes we have to get to the bottom before we can find our way back up to the top.

The Sun and Moon are in the middle section of Sagittarius. Zeus, the glowing king of the gods, commands Sagittarius overall. During this lunar cycle, Jupiter splashes into Pisces – a major upgrade for him, as it’s his other abode (cue the Angel choir). We saw a glimpse of this magical energy when Jupiter was in Pisces for a short stint this Summer (exact dates being May 13 – July 28).

Ever the optimist, Zeus is happy to lift us up and to see us through a tough time, even as we nurse our battle wounds. It isn’t easy emptying out before you can fill back up. Shed your skin willingly, though, and you can decide what happens next.

Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius Astrology chart: 12/3/21 11:43pm PT (Portland, OR)

This is our last Eclipse of the Gemini-Sagittarius Eclipse series. Eclipses usher in change, release, and awakening in the area where they land in our charts. See if you can find a theme or pattern to major changes in your life (internal & external) during the dates below.

A Look Back: Gemini – Sagittarius Eclipse Cycle

  • June 5, 2020: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius (15° 34′)
  • November 30, 2020: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Gemini (08° 38′)
  • December 14, 2020: Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius (23° 08′)
  • May 26, 2021: Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius (05° 25′)
  • June 10, 2021: Solar Annular Eclipse in Gemini (19° 47′)
  • December 3, 2021: Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius (12° 22′)

You will want to look at placements in your chart that fall in the Houses of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. Need help?

Continue reading Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius: Starting from Scratch – December 2021

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus: 7 of Disks (November 2021)

Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

November 19, 2021 is the day of the Full Moon, a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus! This is our first Eclipse of the season. It’s also the very first Eclipse to grace us from the Scorpio-Taurus axis, a set of Eclipses that takes us from this moment into 2023. This Full Moon is the culmination of the New Moon in Scorpio that fell on Thursday, November 4.

Turbulent Uranus still has his hands in the cookie jar, and will continue to be an important player throughout this Moon cycle. He’s sitting opposite hot-headed Mars on Wednesday the 17th, putting tension on our need for independence, freedom, and change that can lead to hasty decision making or other bold moves.

Uranus is also in a more harmonious relationship to Venus, which helps during the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, because Venus is the ruler of that sign and is overseeing Uranus’ actions. Venus has also just entered the shadow zone of her upcoming retrograde in Capricorn (the shadow starts on November 17).

Mercury rules this chart (set for Portland, OR) and is opposite the Moon during her Eclipse. Mercury in Scorpio opposite the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus can pit our emotions against our logical mind or at least separate the two. Even if we know something logically, emotionally it may be a completely different matter. Now we’re looking at the third decan of Scorpio, which is about passion, hunger, and death.

This is the longest duration of an Eclipse since 1440 and until 2669. The Eclipse is 6 hours long.

Lunar Eclipse in Taurus
Lunar Eclipse in Taurus Astrology chart – November 19, 2021 (12:57am PT)
Continue reading Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus: 7 of Disks (November 2021)