The New Moon in Virgo
The New Moon in Virgo is on Monday, September 6, 2021 at 5:52pm pacific. This is the beginning of the Mercury Retrograde shadow period. Mercury Retrograde in Libra lasts for the next two Moon cycles. The shadow period ends near the New Moon in Scorpio at the beginning of November, with a New Moon in Libra in between.

9 of Pentacles: Lord of Gain
The New Moon occurs in the 2nd decan of Virgo, corresponding to the 9 of Pentacles card in the Tarot. This is called Material Gain and is ruled by luxurious Venus. This part of Virgo represents the work and attention to detail that goes into making something of value. Artisan crafts and objects of beauty require painstaking attention to detail. The bird of prey in this image is sent to root out pests from the garden and guards against theft.
Continue reading New Moon in Virgo & September Astrology: 9 of Pentacles, Material Gain