May 2023 Astrology: Taurus Season

May 2023 Astrology

May 2023 Astrology Overview

May 2023 astrology gives us our second eclipse of the season, a revelatory lunar eclipse in Scorpio. This is followed by a fresh New Moon in Taurus that’s tied into the current Mercury Retrograde. Jupiter enters Taurus as well for the next year, driving new growth to this area of our charts. This month we’ll also see Venus seeking comfort in empathetic Cancer while Mars drives us to venture forward in bold, daring Leo.

Although Mercury Retrograde officially ends in the middle of the month, the shadow period extends through the end of May. This means that themes covered during the retrograde will still be subject to review all month long.

The midway point in Mercury’s retrograde cycle comes on May 1, along with Pluto stationing. This is a powerful combination that starts us off on a new chapter with our communications and inner processing. We’ll be more focused on relationships and meeting others eye-to-eye.

With last month’s Solar Eclipse, we walked through a fiery gateway or rite of passage, and there are now many important changes pending in our lives, especially as concerns the Aries, Taurus, and Scorpio parts of our charts.

Mercury Cazimi in Taurus (May 1)

Mercury’s inferior conjunction with the Sun is at 11° 20′ of Taurus. Our new cycle begins in the symbiotic middle decan of Taurus. This is the 6 of Pentacles in the Tarot, Lord of Success, which has to do with reciprocity – giving and taking in equal measure. Ruled by the Moon, there’s a rhythm and synergy at work here, one that makes for fertile ground when the energy’s in its proper flow.

This cycle builds up to Mercury’s maximum brilliance on June 30 in the 1st decan of Cancer. This is the 2 of Cups energy in Tarot, the Lord of Love. Ruled by Venus, it represents the trust and intimacy between two people who are deeply bonded to each other, such as the bond between mother and child.

During this Mercury Retrograde, we’re starting a new chapter that focuses on relationships, intimacy, and the equal exchange of energy.

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Solar Eclipse 2023: Aries + Libra

Solar Eclipse 2023

We’re about to venture into our first eclipse season of the year! The first solar eclipse 2023 delivers is in Aries, and in October we’ll have another in Libra. This year’s lunar eclipses, meanwhile, are in Scorpio and Taurus.

How does a solar eclipse differ from a lunar eclipse in astrology? Solar eclipses fall on the New Moon and bring a major transformative change, a sharp ending and beginning, often acting as a call to action in our lives. In contrast, lunar eclipses fall on the Full Moon and are more about an emotional awakening or inner revelation.

Eclipses are not a good time to do magick or to start new projects. It’s best to lay low and process the changes at work within and around us. Give a couple days padding for important affairs if you can.

Solar Eclipse 2023 Part 1: Aries Decan 3 (April 19)

Solar Eclipse 2023

The first eclipse gateway we walk through in 2023 is in the passionate 3rd decan of Aries. This is the 4 of Wands in Tarot, Lord of Completion, which is ruled by the benefics, Venus and Jupiter. A celebratory card, it represents a joyous occasion and a rite of passage. It marks the completion of one chapter and the commencement of a new adventure that awaits us.

This rather positive card comes up when there’s an important event recognizing a rite of passage: graduations, weddings, and birthday parties are prime examples. With each of these kind of events there’s a sense of finality or completion paired with the promise of a new beginning. Thematically this is very apt at describing Solar eclipse energy in general.

The Sun and Moon are in the urgent last degree of Aries, too. This is already a very fervent, compelling energy with the third decan of Aries. Being in the last degree adds some heat and intensity.

A caution for this fiery eclipse is to avoid burning too hot and too fast. Burnout is quite possible when we get wrapped up in the heat of the moment. This can be a strong party vibe, or an anxious feeling that what we hunger for most must happen right now.

But in the morning when the Sun goes into Taurus, we’re going to be more aware of a need for conservation and slowing down. Mercury stationing retrograde in Taurus at the same time will cut the party short as well, counseling rest. We’ll be reminded that this is only the beginning, and we have to pace ourselves!

Continue reading Solar Eclipse 2023: Aries + Libra

March 2023 Astrology Forecast

March 2023 Astrology

March 2023 Astrology

March 2023 Astrology brings in major changes as two of the outer bodies – Pluto and Saturn – change signs. A new quality of time will emerge as Saturn leaves the comfort of being in his own domain and heads into the heavy, deep waters of Pisces.

A dynamic month ahead offers a highly intuitive/psychic Mercury Cazimi conjunct Neptune in Pisces, providing illumination, inspiration, and insight. This is followed by a shift into action-oriented cardinal energy as we head into Spring.

March also brings us a bountiful Venus in Taurus conjunct the North Node – putting an emphasis on Aphrodite in her own element – a powerful New Moon in Aries, and Mars shifting into Cancer after a long 6 months in Gemini.

Continue reading March 2023 Astrology Forecast

Full Moon in Scorpio: Muse of Tragedy & Resonance

Full Moon in Scorpio

The Full Moon in Scorpio occurs on Monday, April 26 at 8:32pm Pacific Time. At 7° 06′ of Scorpio, this Full Moon corresponds to the 5 of Cups (a decan of Mars). The Lord of Disappointment deals with negative emotions, such as loss, grief, and angst.

Mars rules the New Moon and the Full Moon for the current Lunar cycle (April 11 through May 11), bringing passion, desire, conflict, and assertive/decisive action to the forefront thematically. This is our drive to act, our source of willpower, physical movement and sexuality. Mars inspires independence, survival, self-sufficiency, strength, and courage in the best of times. Aggression, violence, control and imposed willpower are also under his domain.

The New Moon began in Mars-ruled Aries on April 11 and reached a point of significant development with the First Quarter Moon in motivated Capricorn on April 19. We may feel highly determined during this Moon cycle, driven by our hunger for something worldly – whether that’s love, money, or the promise of attaining something more abstract. Of course how you feel individually will have a lot to do with how it interacts with your birth chart.

Continue reading Full Moon in Scorpio: Muse of Tragedy & Resonance