Venus in Leo: June – October 2023
The planet of art, beauty, and special appeal, Venus will be in bold, colorful Leo from June 5th through October 8th in 2023. She’ll be throwing a special disco Retrograde party, giving you ample opportunity to explore and implement Venus in Leo themes. Level up your confidence and increase your visibility, challenging yourself to lead from the heart and express yourself and your values fully.
With Venus in Leo, your creativity can go through the roof. You’ll be wanting to state a strong position and to attract attention by showing up with that loud & proud energy. Leo’s a Fire sign, bringing vitality, dynamism, and a bit of rambunctiousness to Venus.
As Venus rules brand aesthetics, attracting clients, building relationships, things of value and money itself, she plays a very important role in business. You can track what sign Venus is transiting and apply specific protocols to work with these energies in order to maximize your success as an entrepreneur.
Over the Summer, Venus will be lit up in Leo, and so should you! Don’t miss the opportunity to nurture your audience in unique form and share your passions fearlessly. It’s time to be seen for who you are authentically and what you believe in, to lead the pack and to show up with courage and confidence.
In this post we’ll explore how you can use Venus in Leo magick to make some beautiful sparks with your brand and in your most important business relationships. Lean into fearless self-expression, bold displays, and emphasizing what sets you apart.